
’20 Wrap Up

Nov 25, 2020

Alright, where should I start? It’s been a crazy year for Dropzne. Today is November 25th, 2020, and we’re on the brink of the beta launch of our app. Originally we were scheduled to have this phase completed last summer, but due to the rocky start of our year and just with personnel catching the virus. Having to delay the development multiple times, it’s been tough. However, If you asked me I don’t think we’ve done badly at all.

In that time we’ve managed to put together a pretty good documentary series highlighting some of the issues up and coming music artist face while living in Boston. The documentary highlighted issues such as artist collaboration, venue blacklisting, and other interesting topics. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out you should check it out here.

Among all of that we’ve managed to partner with a lot of great artists and platforms to assist in the effort to making Boston, and the rest of New England a fun-filled region where an artist can find support and feel welcomed. The scene is thriving, and before you know will be unified like never before. Everyone at Dropzne is immensely happy to be apart of this movement.

Moving forward as we move into the new year we expect to gain a first insight into how our product will help the undermine and undiscovered artist. We have a lot of cool things to test out starting with our Dropzne technology, and I cannot wait to see the results! Our goal is to learn as much as we can about our users and their needs, to providing an equal and fair playing field for the artist to break their music and develop a true following.

Kendall Sanford
— To infinity and beyond.

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