
Dropzne 2021 Wrap Up

Dec 28, 2021

Alright, 2021!

This year is what we believe to be our build-up year. We want to start this wrap-up letter by beginning with Dropzne has officially turned one year old. Unofficially we’ve been working on Dropzne as a project for about three years, So to be an actual company now is something special. This year we’ve decided to celebrate this small accomplishment by hanging out and eating cake.

On April 4th, we’ve shipped our product! Yes, that’s right, we’ve publicly published our app onto the App Store. However, it wasn’t as easy as it sounded. It was an uphill battle, just like anything else that’s worth acquiring in this life, but we knew what we were getting ourselves into when we signed up. We’ve obtained almost seventy users within these first seven months, which is huge since we haven’t engaged in any real marketing. Our goal for version one was to see how it would be received.

Also, another word for this year would be “learn.” We prioritized figuring out our product and audience and what inspires them to follow close to the Dropzne brand. We’ve learned that our product concept is excellent, but we ran into some onboarding issues early on regarding users not getting their verification emails/text messages. This taught us the importance of the “little things.” No matter how valuable the product could be, it doesn’t matter if users can’t get to experience it.

This year one thing that stood out was how much good music surrounds us, by people, we walk by every day. So we spent most of our days this year figuring out how to create the perfect environment for every independent artist to thrive in. We’ve boiled it down to four key aspects: distribution, saturation, fan development, and artist income. We here at Dropzne believe that we’re on the right path to solving these essential aspects in ways that no other company can.

We are now shifting to a new phase of the product. Finally, we have a good grasp of what the users want and need. So Q2 of next year, we will release a new version of our app. Version 3! This version will be the predecessor of everything we’ve learned this year, and In 2022 we will be actively pushing growth!

Kendall Sanford & Dean Lambright — See you at the top.

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