
Dropzne 2023 Wrap Up

Dec 22, 2023

Well, here we are at the end of 2023. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re now ready to shift our focus from the development and learning phase to the growth phase. Before we delve into the future and what’s to come, we want to take a brief moment to reflect on the past.

A lot has transpired between the beginning of 2022 and now. The original plan was to push for growth. However, we had to quickly pump the brakes on that. We didn’t feel comfortable with the previous state of the app, so we had to do a bit of optimization. We extended the time to learn, figure out what we were building, what we want to build, and how to build it for the future.

During this time, one of the most significant decisions we made was that we weren’t EVER going to incorporate ads into our business model. we recall a quote by Jeff Hammerbacher, founder and general partner at Related Sciences that encapsulates how we feel about ads: “The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.” We wholeheartedly agree with him. Fresh new finds should only include music, not toilet paper promotions and Black Friday deals.

Also, we’ve decided that our goal is to create tools that enhance the one-to-one relationship a fan has with a musician. It’s not about promoting virality or directing our attention to unnecessary metrics like follows and likes. It’s about building the exclusivity and excitement that being a part of a music community once had.

For creatives, we want to build a community where a band can find their next drummer, or where non-musician creatives can develop a real community as well, such as a DJ, actor, or dancer. We realized that multiple creatives come together to make an individual piece of musical art, and we want to make it as simple as possible for them to do that.

Now, let’s talk about the future and version three! We’re proud to say that version three is our best version yet. With that being said, we would like to introduce you to our showcase feature. While researching how our users want to use the app, we realized that for everyone who wants to find fresh new music, there is also a use case for users wanting to use that same discovery zone to find showcases and concerts too. We’ve made it extremely easy to find a showcase or concert in the area without even having to think about searching.

But wait, there’s more. The last thing we’ve added is the ability to chat! We all know how important this is especially when you discover new music that your friends must hear!

So that’s all for now. Yes! we’ve finally made it to V3. It’s an exciting time, so cheers to the small wins, and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve built.

See you in 2024, and see you at the top!

–  Kendall Sanford & Dean Lambright


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